Now Is Such A Great Timing For An Introduction

Let's see —roughly, within the board of our collective consciousness; we've been staying home for about one to three months (depends on where we live, whether we WFH-d or not, etc.). The pandemic has been around for almost half a year, around the world, and we're still unsure when this whole quarantine situation will end. There are confusion, restlessness, anger, anxiety... and for me, a chance for new self-discovery. I'm not so sure about you, but for me, I've been losing the sense of self during the relatively short period of not going anywhere. And this is not just about locking myself at home anymore. This feeling is also about dealing with many sudden changes that, even though small (like the fact that I can't go out for groceries, or not being able to do my usual drive to the office); are evoking such a powerful alienated sense towards me. I have limited my activities in public since mid-March, and literally being home for most of the time. All work has been shifting into WFH mode, and all future trip-related projects are suspended until further notice.

So sure, sure, small changes, a little adjustment here and there... but by the way, who am I now? Why am I losing excitement over the things I used to enjoy doing at home? Why am I getting angry more quickly now? But also, why I seemingly understand my taste and purpose much better by going through endless repetition of daily activities?

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