Posts in TRAVEL
Melbourne: In Case of Brunch, Coffee and The Need To Love Again

The month was September and my daughter Dia just turned 4 months old. We arrived on the 18th where the airport wasn't entirely packed, and the weather wasn't particularly humid. Everything was set to excite the six of us who traveled together for the very first time: Me, Gempa, Dia, and our best friend Aji, his wife Nares, and their daughter Kenes. Who doesn't love Melbourne? With their infamous brunch and specialty coffee and a lot of different ways to say "breakfast"? Well, I did, once. A couple years before I met Gempa, Melbourne was one place on earth I thought I would never visit again.

Until my thoughts were proven inaccurate: I ended up visiting Melbourne again, and again, and again.

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Five Days in Luang Prabang: A First-Timer Guide (Bahasa)

"Luang Prabang" — sungguh nama yang begitu cantik, pikir saya. Sejak akhir Desember 2017 lalu Pak Gege udah sering menyebut nama kota kecil di dataran tinggi Laos itu. Kebetulan dia ada sebuah project yang sedikit banyak memerlukan survey ke beberapa tempat di Asia Tenggara, dan alasan itu membuat kami berdua punya ide untuk sekalian pergi berdua. Waktu itu kami sempet ragu mau berangkat, secara musti titipin Jonah sama Joni, trus ngosongin kerjaan dan ninggalin kantor semingguan. Nah, tapi, pas kami coba buka Google, segambreng foto dan informasi mengenai Luang Prabang nongol tuh secara komprehensif. Nggak perlu survey lama, dalam beberapa detik aja foto dan artikel tentang Luang Prabang sudah berhasil menghapus segala keraguan di hati. Yang kepikir cuma: BERANGKAT!! Nah, di post kali ini (yang cukup panjang) saya akan menceritakan detail perjalanan dan menjawab yang selama ini sering ditanyakan di Instagram ya.

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What It Means To Travel?

Writing this, I'm counting on the very few left days we all have before saying another goodbye to the passing 2016. It's a cliche, but I believe most of us will stop for a moment and think, "Wow, what happened to the rest eleven months?" - Because time did fly, quite unnoticeable, while living creatures, like you and me, buried our heads deeply inside the repetitive daily routines. And just like other anxious beings, I try to scan my memories slowly, grasping important events that I've been through, so they could be stored together in the archive of Things I Should Never Forget In Life.Soon I realize that I travel a lot in 2016. Counting the total hours and frequency, I'm a 100% sure that I've never traveled that much in my life before. Why am I doing this?

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